Day 19

As I was taking this photo, a local fella came up to me and started telling me that one time they made a 100-lb burger and a woman ate it all by herself. "How long did that take?" I asked skeptically. "A couple hours" was his reply.

After I told him about my walk across the US, he paused for a moment in thought, then spoke again. "You ain't gonna catch me doin' that", he said, and then walked off, presumably thinking about cheeseburgers.

Day 19

And I'm only making the problem worse!

Day 19

More back-of-sign notes

April 14th, 2010

including a timestamp and, although it may not be visible in this picture, a smiley face drawn in the big zero in the middle.

Day 19

But even more interesting

April 14th, 2010

is the front of the sign. A map for truckers!

Day 19

Hey, it’s a free…

April 14th, 2010
