Day 32

Dad pushes the cart

April 27th, 2010

with his backpack tied on top


  1. Emily Aronson says:

    Does Dad need gloves?

  2. Thomas says:

    One cool thing about this picture was that using the signs in the background you can easily pinpoint this on google street view. I’ve played around with it trying to get a glimpse of some of what Matt sees as he’s walking. This was one of the easier ones to find … that brown building in the background is easy to spot and you can even see where Matt was standing when he snapped this shot. It is easy to get glimpses of the route, but hard to pinpoint exact places he takes a picture. This one is easy.,-82.022896&spn=0,0.110378&z=13&layer=c&cbll=41.237668,-82.022988&panoid=7Ly62q87AQLmI2WRdo8x4g&cbp=12,329.35,,0,3.46

  3. Becky says:

    That is great! I am going to start looking up the route also! Thanks for the idea Thomas!

  4. Jonathan says:

    That’s a good-looking tying job.

  5. Sam says:

    Barry, it looks like you walked off some lbs! Nice. Though you do look like a cross between a hobo and a crossing guard! We miss you back here in Richmond.

  6. I thought this was Matt. Just kidding. We hope you’re having a terrific time together and send much love. Gael & Sherry

  7. Alan Garby says:

    It’s great to see Barry has found his calling after all these years!!

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