Day 118

Oh great

July 22nd, 2010

Now I have to get tiger spray, too.


  1. Saun in Ohio says:

    High School Mascot?

  2. Candice In Alabama says:

    Matt – LOL – next will be lions.

  3. Don in Tennessee says:


    If I was you I would BAIL out of this place!

  4. Marshall in RVA says:

    Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

  5. Jim in AR via MN says:

    Where’s Tony???…

  6. Jeff says:

    Tigers, check…..Lions…not yet….Bears, ready but none seen. I down three to go.

  7. Dan says:

    Biodegradable Graffitti – love it!

  8. Craig ( NC!) says:

    Sorry Matt in our emailings I didn’t offer you a Tiger repellent ….
    (I know long before you hit Ill I told you.. send me an email I’ll ship ahead “bear or horny deer repellent” )or the likewise) but when I was researching Montana wildlife… tigers never were a problem ,
    maybe a multi-purpose varmint repellent would be in order now?
    Trek On Brother… Trek On!

  9. Blistery Bob says:


    I laughed the loudested at this post………..

    I’m still laughing………………………….LOL…………..LOL……………LOL………….LOL

    cover the family jewels……tigers go for them first…………LOL

  10. Gigi says:

    Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Safe travels Matt, I can see the mountains getting closer.

  11. Nicole says:

    I’m pretty sure bear spray will work on tigers as well, lol.

  12. Michael Frye says:

    Yeah that was my high school thats pretty sweet

  13. Tom from Montana says:

    There is another opportunity to see Matt on a Montana Highway camera. At Roger’s Pass, elev 5406′, Highway 200 at Mile Post 90.8. This is between Simms, MT and Lincoln, MT. There will probably be another cell phone ‘drop-out’ after Matt leaves the Simms area.

    • Christine says:

      Thanks for the heads up, Tom from Montana. Hopefully, Matt will stop long enough so the camera can catch him, now that he has practice at this.

  14. MN Roxanne says:

    I think this sign is very creative and awesome! Home town spirit!

  15. Jeff says:

    Looks like Jason got rid of the Deja Vu……or has matt turned back around….hmm

  16. Connie - Simms says:

    Hey we are PROUD of our SIMMS TIGERS!! Great kids and Great teams! My son just graduated from Simms High School and we are still Proud parents of a Simms Tiger!!

  17. Janine says:

    You don’t think the plunger handle will work?

  18. carol says:

    Janine is my friend !!! :) :) inside joke lmao

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