This Cadillac Escalade is plastered with homemade advertisements for the BIAlien science fiction series. Here's my favorite excerpt, from the hood:
"James Bond and the Matrix movies + a 2.5 million dollar (green technology) sports car x Alien technology = Bialien chapter 21: Full Throttle 1204hp"
The website for this series is incredibly elaborate — perhaps the "Wikipedia" page is the best place to begin.
It is the inevitable fate of a staircase such as this — one shielded from the street — to smell like urine. While I am certainly aware of the dearth of public restrooms in many parts of the city, I am also aware that there are like ten million trees, including the ones from the previous photo, just steps away from here. If you're gonna micturate in public, do it right!
This is the most halfhearted Tudorization I've seen so far. Take a look at the whole building.
So named for its location between Gun Hill Road (an important thoroughfare during the Revolutionary War, although this segment of the road did not exist then) and Boston Road (a late-18th-century rerouting of the original Boston Post Road), this bowling alley was the site of my first-ever 100+ game back in 2007 (I am terrible at bowling).
He's on the move! This photo was taken several blocks away from our initial encounter two days ago.
This is the deluxe version of the original Spherical Self Portrait. It comes with a special behind-the-scenes extra: a miniature spherical gold portrait of the making of Spherical Self Portrait: Gold Edition.