Day 194

Horse rides no more

July 11th, 2012

After years of complaints from neighbors and revelations of animal cruelty, the collection of decrepit trailers that once passed for a stable here was torn down and hauled away in 2008 after the city discovered that it was actually sitting on DOT property.

A very strange, shifty-eyed shirtless man (the former proprietor of this fine establishment?) pulled his car into the driveway while I was walking around; he told me that the place still operates as a stable. That seems quite unlikely, given the information above, but perhaps he was referring to the couple of trailers parked on a small patch of dirt on the far side of the house.

UPDATE (Sept. 21, 2012): One horse still lives here!

UPDATE (Dec. 28, 2014): The owner and another guy live here too!

UPDATE (Apr. 29, 2015): NY Times — "A Squatter’s Last Stand at a Condemned Bronx Barn"

Day 194

Nice reflection!

July 11th, 2012

Day 194

9/11 memorial #76

July 11th, 2012

The blue spikes (count 'em up; this is the 49th Precinct station house) predate 9/11 by 20 years, but they add some resonance and character to that mass-produced banner.

Day 194

Portal of the day

July 11th, 2012

What is this, some kind of church?

Day 194

The spread of technology

July 11th, 2012

I first encountered a toilet-papered road back in Minnesota, where the practice was supposedly invented; it's exciting to finally see this brilliant Midwestern technique being rolled out here in New York.

Day 194

Located in a weirdly suburban-looking office park in the Bronx

Day 194

Your classic streettalker

July 11th, 2012

Not addressing anyone in particular, the gentleman in the purple shirt was generously dispensing his views on temperature and humidity, audible to anyone who happened to come within about eight feet of him: "This kind of weather can make people break up. This causes divorces."

Day 194

Oh, sorry

July 11th, 2012

I didn't notice your sign. You should make it bigger.

Day 194

A third memorial

July 11th, 2012

to Nick Nespolini

Day 194

Dizzy Deans

July 11th, 2012

Another Bronx business that shares its name with a legendary St. Louis Cardinal

Day 194

Day 194

on the old New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad

Day 194

9/11 memorial #77

July 11th, 2012

Day 194

The Emergency Room

July 11th, 2012

Located half a block from an enormous hospital complex (and formerly named the Tik Tok Lounge, apparently)

Day 194

These suckers are still all over much of the East Bronx. By this point, I must have seen almost 200 of these handwritten fire-and-brimstone notes attached to trees and, like the two in this picture, utility poles. Whoever puts them up is a brazen violator of New York City Administrative Code Section 10-119, and could face tens of thousands of dollars in fines, not to mention some jail time, if caught and fully prosecuted.

Day 194

A view from the outside

July 11th, 2012

Looking toward that previously mentioned office park