Day 823

Whale Square

April 1st, 2014

Clem Snacks Inc, distributors of Utz potato chips & snacks (according to the door), is one of several businesses located on the dead end of 53rd Street by the Brooklyn waterfront. This area is still sometimes referred to as Whale Square, an appellation given to it by the Whale Oil Company, which once had a facility here. Despite its name, Whale Oil had nothing to do with whale oil, but was rather a distributor of fuel oil.

I got the information above from this 1950 Brooklyn Eagle article. The article is an odd fit in the "What Women Are Doing" section of the paper, which also features (on the next page) headlines like "Disc Star Rickie Likes Gals Quiet, Down-to-Earth" and "At 23, Girl Feels Left Out of Old Crowd Now Mostly Paired Off".

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