Day 42

Reason for the closure

February 10th, 2012

According to a sign posted on the fence, the name of this project is "East River CSO Retention Facilities, Bronx River Floatables Control" and the objective is "extending the weir length of the existing Regulator CSO 27A (beneath Bronx Park Avenue), and installing two (2) electro hydraulically operated mechanical underflow bar screens."

Wait, what?

Oh, this!


  1. tom says:

    if it involves ‘floatables’, my guess is it involves ‘septic matters’!

  2. Justin says:

    Possibly…I assume that CSO is for combined sewer overflow, and unfortunate relic of past utility infrastcruture, where excess stormwater and raw sewage can discharge in storm conditions. Though it might just be a stormwater debris containment screen.

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