Day 90

Pretty fancy for a sidewalk crack

March 29th, 2012


  1. tna says:

    Now that is awesome street art.

  2. Gigi says:

    Looks like leaves of a begonia plant, but then I’m not much of a gardener so this is just a wild guess.

  3. tom says:

    Im just now reading a book about edible plants…wonder if thats one of them!

  4. Peter says:

    That’s pretty sweet!

  5. Luz says:

    Japanese knotweed.
    It can take out that sidewalk.

  6. John Rehm says:

    It hasn’t a Prayer! That looks like my Prayer Plant of 1970 Something…

  7. Dorinda from Mentor, Oh. says:

    I agree with tna, awesome street art. Adds some color to the drab gray cement.

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