Day 85

Frames ‘n’ Vinyl

March 24th, 2012


  1. Gigi says:

    I clicked the View on Map link above but got no map, is the map link under maintenance? I wanted to check as I was walking in Morningside one time a guy was selling vinyls and frames, too.

    Oh, I see Metallica (in the next page) at the edge of this pic. And you, too, Matt! :-)

    • Matt Green says:

      Yeah, we’re having some problems with the map. Remember, though, you can always click on the photo to go to its Flickr page, and then click on the little map in the upper right to see exactly where the picture is located.

  2. Rich says:

    Hi Matt, I’m (relatively) new here. And I’ve been wondering where I can pick up a vinyl copy of The Main Event soundtrack. Now I know.


  3. Amanduh says:

    I think “Vinyl ‘n’ Frames” flows a little better.

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